Welcome to LetKidsHear

LetKidsHear is a website dedicated to the effort in Wisconsin to pass a bill that would require group and individual insurance companies to provide coverage for hearing aids and cochlear implants for children who are deaf and hard of hearing.

For years children with hearing loss have been discriminated against by insurance companies. Unlike many other medical issues and birth defects covered by insurance, families across Wisconsin with children who are deaf or hard of hearing have struggled to pay for medical intervention because many insurance companies view hearing aids as "cosmetic". The benefits of intervention, especially early amplification, are well documented and clear. If a child who has difficulty hearing receives the proper hearing aids or cochlear implants, language, speech and social outcomes can be drastically improved. Additionally, the cost savings to taxpayers are significant.

This bill is a win-win and we greatly appreciate your support. The next legislative session began in January of 2009. To keep up-to-date on how you can remain involved sign up for our email updates and check out our Action Alerts!

UPDATE: We are happy to say, that a bill passed requiring insurance companies to cover hearing aids and cochlear implants for children under the age of 18 in the spring of 2009 and went into effect January 1, 2010.


Click Here for information on the Aftermath


Click here for the 2009 Legislative Session